Let’s talk about the topic of success. The level of work you have to achieve to be considered successful is different for everyone. For some, level of success is very much dependent on their level of education. Depending on field of work, some require only a high school diploma where others require you to obtain a PhD. Whatever you feel your niche is, I’m sure it requires hard work and dedication. I also realize that there are those individuals who aren’t really certain what they would like to do with their lives. People who are unsure of what they want to do with their lives have temporary jobs while they are trying to figure out their path of self- discovery.
I hope that each person is happy with their job eventually. I know it is no fun to wake up each morning dreading doing a monotonous job which brings you little to no money and leaves you feeling less than successful. In a perfect world, none of that sort of thing would ever happen, but we do not and never will live together in a perfect world where everyone is happy with what they are doing to earn a living and continue on their path to enriching success. Hopefully, though, one day everyone will have the chance to feel productive and like they’re making a difference in this hardened world.
Success does not have to be solely based on income or monetary gain. Success can be as simple as finally cleaning the room you have been putting off cleaning for a week or more. Success can be finally starting to work on that project that you finally gained the confidence to complete. For someone who is a part of the disabled community like myself, something as a simplistic as taking your daily shower. That may seem silly or stupid to some, but to us, it takes a lot of work & can tire us out very easily. So, if you are ever around me, and I celebrate like I won the lottery after my shower that’s why! (LOL). Success can also come to those of us who are parents, and that feeling you must feel when your child leaves the “nest” at 18. You must feel a sense of pride that could very easily be converted into a feeling of success. After all, raising a kid is far from a walk in the park & can be very difficult!
No matter how you measure your feelings or definition of success, we should all be granted the opportunity to feel the sense of euphoria that comes along with it. We all work to gain it and it has been proven that very few people ever reach the pinnacle or absolute top of success. However, it is very vital to remember that even if you do not come out on the very top, your success matters and you role is valued in this world!
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