Let's talk about a big trait. Let's talk about confidence. It is a rather heavy word because it ecompasses a lot. It is asking a lot of a person to become confident, especially in today's society where body image is a hyper focused point. From a young age, young girls and boys alike grow up seeing their favorite movie stars in magizines looking extremely buff and fit. Kids by nature like to emmulate what they see as "cool" especially when it is a trend. So, I think it is only natural that they are going to start paying attention to their bodies so that they can begin to look like the people they admire. This is all good until it becomes an issue. If all of a sudden, you notice that your kid starts missing meals and becoming "too thin", this is when body shaming comes into play and self-image becomes less of an admiring trait and more of a self-esteem issue. I'll say this also... I love You Tube more than the average person.. You'll find me watching it each and every day as I wind down my writing work for the day. It is what I do to relax & I thoroghly enjoy watching the lives of some of my favorite You Tubers. I do have my own You Tube channel, but I do not post much there. Yes, I have also been bullied in the comments section of some of my videos. You Tube can be harmeless fun, but it can also cause some serious problems for youger kids especially who are rather ill-equipped to handle the pressure that comes along with putting yourself out there on such a public forum such as You Tube. If you are a parent, please keep a keen eye on the material your kids may be viewing on the internet. Age does not matter in this case, even if you find your kid is mature enough to handle what they see and what might be said to them. Sometimes, they will keep things hidden in order to "seem strong" or aviod getting bullied further. Bullies do not discriminate. They will do everything in their power to tear you down so that they may get a boost for themselves. Bullying and demeaning actions are confidence killers & if not montiored closely, can turn into a life or death situation for some. Then once bullied, the victims of the bullying believe what they are told. It begins to take over their psyche and soon,they begin to feel helpless towards not only themselves but powerless in social situations involving their friends and family as well. Before you comment or speak, you must think first. You must think about your opinion and if it will cause lasting damage to someone . They say time heals everything, and while this may be accurate in some situations, a self-esteem scar remains forevever. No matter what you do it seems they say there forever like a message on a post it note. Be careful and mindful. This is why asking someone to carry themselves with confidence is a tricky thing. This world is a cruel place & navigating it when you are constanly reminded of the negatives becomes more like a chore rather than an adventure. There are ways to gain confidence, however, but t is not going to happen over night. Confidence is a process and it begins with loving yourself fully. This means accepting your flaws. Yes, even the ones that are precieved as negative ones. The good news is no one on earth is a perfect person. Perfect people and perfect lives do NOT exist. Take your time and really sort through your flaws. Know that each day that you wake up and get out of bed is an opportunity to become a better person than you were yesterday! Seondly, remember that you DO have a purpose. Each day, try to carry out your purpose in one form or another. If you are unsure what your purpose may be, think about and write down some of the things you like to and excel in. Talk to your friends and family members about what they may see in you. Ask them what they think you are best suited to do. Once you find that puropose, it will illuminate your whole world like nothing has before!! Once you find your spirit illuminated and your heart happy, you will then start to feel an increasing sense of self-confidence, which then allows for more comfortability in your own skin. Along with becoming comfortable comes your strength. I believe your strength is your most important asset! Simply because it will never abandon you & it is unique to who you are.No one can steal your "soul idenity from you. Confidence also comes when you begin to hang around the right people who are always there to encourage, no matter what the situation. Much like a parasite, you begin to feed off of their positive light and ways of thinking. I like to say that becoming confident in who you are despite your differences is the greatest gift you can give to yourself. Once you are confident, you allow no one and nothing to stand in your way!!


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