
Showing posts from February, 2020

Free Write post #4

I'll be the first to admit, I have not been as responsible for keeping up with posting and sharing my writing on this blog, particularly in the month of February. Maybe I can redeem myself this last week! I am continuing with my free write theme to work on honing my skill. I also mentioned a couple weeks back that I am going to be working on a third collection of poetry! It will be sold on Blurb Books just like my previous collections. I'm really excited about beginning this new project! These free-write posts are meant to help me prepare for the process of writing another book! "Rainy Day" It looks as if it is haunted outside No birds are tweeting high in the trees All around me There is dead silence The clouds are heavy And look ominous and even angry They look like they could burst at any second Pouring down rain in buckets and releasing their forbidden tears

Free Write post #3

“Winter” The ground covered in snow Chills me to the bone But I stare at the bird on the limb Who is brave enough To let the snow fall all over him As long as I have you in my arms I feel safe and secure Your big arms wrap me up Tightly And we step into the winter