My message to GYMNASTS EVERYWHERE!!! (An open letter)

Gymnastics. The hardest sport in the world. Yes, you heard me right. Those girls you see magically flying across the floor exercise mat are nothing short of superhuman. They have dedicated their whole life to working extremely hard so that they can master the skills to wow audiences across the world. Not only that but if they're lucky enough, they can possibly make it on the International Stage and then to the elusive Olympic Games. I would assume that the Olympic Games are the most elite gymnast's dream, but there is a reason the committee is so selective. Only the best of the best make it there, but luckily, there are other choices. One of those choices is college gymnastics. I have loved LSU's college program for almost 24 years. Longer than the current gymnasts on the squad have been alive. I for one fell head over heels in love with gymnastics when the 1996 women's team won the gold medal. That was so inspirational to me. They worked and I am sure struggled to make it to the top of that mountain, but they made it! After watching that happen before my almost 11-year-old eyes, I was hooked. I wanted to discover and learn more about this amazing sport than you could ever imagine. I bought all of the books concerning the Magnificent Seven, but I was most intrigued by Dominique Moceanu's autobiography particularly because it had a skill glossary in the back that I could study and learn from. To this day, I still credit her book for teaching me everything I know about the sport. It wasn't long after becoming enthralled with the sport that I discovered gymnastics was a thing at my local college, Louisiana State University. Going to these meets and seeing the skills live not only reinforced my understanding of the skills (Their names, values, and the scoring) but it made me fall even deeper in love with the sport. Having a physical disability that leaves me confined to a wheelchair, I am amazed by these girls and their flexibility, because I am always tight and tensed up. It's nobody's fault, it is just a part of living with Cerebral Palsy and now chronic pain conditions! Watching gymnastics helps me forget about the pain I am experiencing with my spasms and disability in general and it fills my heart with abundant joy! Having followed LSU gymnastics for most of my life, I have seen some amazing gymnasts with incredible skill. I have met some great friends who understand my undying love for this sport (Mrs. Theresa Mathis is just one of the special friends I have made!). I have had the incredible opportunity of seeing most of these gymnasts go on to some incredible things with their lives outside of the gym as well, and my heart overflows with happiness for them! Fast forward to this year, 2019. What an incredible year this squad has had. It has been an absolute joy and blast to see you guys kill it in the SEC Championships and become the runner up at the national championship to a prolific Oklahoma Sooners team. I also watched you guys struggle a bit, but never lost faith in the togetherness and toughness of this team. To all of you: Thank you from the bottom of my heart to dedicating your life to such a beautiful sport. When I watch you all perform so beautifully, I can shut out the world and nothing else matters. THANK YOU. It means everything to me and more than you can ever imagine! Keep shining your beautiful light; you are destined for amazing things, and I can't wait to see you shine from top to bottom. Love, Karla. :)


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