Gratitude is one of the most important emotions in human feeling. I believe it is especially important in today’s world where violence and low self-esteem seem to be among some of the top concerns. Sure, there are holidays in the United States such as Thanksgiving that allow us the opportunity to reflect and think about what it is we are most thankful for. While that is a good idea, it is of my opinion that we should be grateful each and everyday. Even if you are having one of the worst days in a long time, you have to remember to be grateful that you were alive and well and given the chance to see another day. Be grateful that your heart is still beating and that you have air in your lungs. There are people who are vigorously fighting for their lives. If you are healthy, you have every right to cherish your life and to give thanks for it. Life truly is a gift that only comes around once so live wisely.
Having a grateful attitude within yourself is important, but you also have to remember to be grateful for others. Be thankful if you have had great parents who have instilled some of the greatest and independent life skills within you. Without them, I’m sure you would have difficulty surviving in the outside world. Be grateful for your circle of friends who have not only seen you through the best of times but the worst of times as well. We all stumble and fall at some point in our lives, but it is not about how hard we may fall, it is about how we rise up that matters most.
So, don’t just go about living your life and suffering, live life out loud! Surround yourself in its beauty and bask in it! If you don’t learn to appreciate what is around you now, you’ll regret it somewhere down the line!!
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