Dare to be DIFFERENT quote blog #4

Pressure to be perfect runs rampant in today’s society. The magazine covers at all of the grocery store check outs are adorned with perfect looking celebrities. On the side of the near flawless pictures are tips to become thinner, to become better in bed, or how to achieve the perfect lifestyle. The truth of the matter though is that all of these things are riddled with flaws. There is no perfect person, lifestyle, or body. There is flaws in everything we do and likely everything we have said. This is not meant to be a negative standpoint. I am just in fact pointing out that perfect does not exist in the human realm. I am not saying that this makes me better or worse than the other people around me. I am saying that our flaws make us unique. Just think about how mundane the world would be if we all gave into the pressure to be what is termed “perfect.” Everyone would then be a carbon copy of each other. The uniqueness is what we have to offer would not be considered, and we would basically be offering the world the same thing. The fact that we are different is what keeps the world going and to be frank, I am almost certain it s what keeps our heart beating. Being different gives us the chance to stand out in the crowd; to bring different opportunities to the table that may make the difference in an important project. It gives us the right to have a different opinion on the same social or political issues. These are often important issues that have a grave impact and end up potentially affecting many others. The freedom of speech allows us a chance to vocalize these thoughts, even if the opposing sides do not agree. Imagine if we all agreed on everything! Nothing would ever get accomplished! Even more important than differing opinions is your outlook on life and how you view the way others perceive you to be. I am sure the “pressure to fit in” is just as popular now as it was when I was a kid growing up in an ever changing world. I can vividly remember wanting to fit in with the cheerleaders so badly, especially in high school. Not only because of their popularity and physical appearance, but because they were able to easily attract all of the band members and football players that I found so physically attractive. I could not help that I did not have the “preppy” sort of trait to join into this group. I was different from them, but the pressures of being different really did weigh on my mind. You want to be liked. You want to have friends, but you aren’t sure who is going to gel with you and who won’t. The annoying pressure you feel to want to fit in is normal, but as you age, you will find that you never should have worried about fitting in in the first place. As you grow older and become more mature, you start to realize that being yourself is the best choice. You should never have to change yourself for another person. If you feel you are having to change to blend in with a group., that is most definitely a red flag. If someone is a genuine and totally authentic person, they will love you for all that you are. They will embrace your differences and flaws and love you completely without fail. Being yourself is the best gift you can give to yourself! It allows you to live the life you want as a person who is uniquely YOU & and not who everyone wishes you were or wants you to be!


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