Be Kind... A blog about the power of words

It is quite simple to see that the nature of the world is quite twisted and lost. There is a lot going on American soil right now that could have a tendency to make us feel uneasy and on edge. Even more terrifying is what happened recently in Manchester, England. That was certainly proof that there is evil in the world that is virtually unstoppable. This kind of tragedy leaves us all second guessing where we go for events and how well versed and tight the security will be. This is very disheartening considering just two decades ago, the world was a much safer place. There is no doubt that the recent state of the world leaves all of us feeling a little down and distraught. This is why it is of utmost importance to be kind to one another. Kindness is such a simple but complicated concept. If you see someone struggling to get a door open, your act of kindness could be as simple as helping them with the door and then smiling at them with a genuine attitude. If you have the financial means, your act of kindness could be as simple as paying for the person’s coffee behind you in the drive thru line. You never know what other people are going through. Everyone has their own individual struggles and no matter how perfect it may seem on Facebook, no one leads a perfect life. Perfect lives do not exist. You may never know how something as simple as a hello or a hug could change a person’s outlook and even their lives. Be kind to one another. Together, we can make the world a better place, one kind word and action at a time!


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