I am not freezing anymore!!! Week 10 has begun!

 Wow... well.... You see... I was missing from action last week as far as any sort of writing is concerned. This is because Louisiana was pretty much frozen over. We had an INSANE cold snap. This made me very grateful that I do not live anywhere near the regularly cold areas. I do not have any idea how someone could get used to that type of cold on a daily basis. If you can, congratulations, but I never could.

We lost electricity for nearly 2 days. As a result, I mainly stayed in my bed and did not move buried under mounds of blankets. It was SO mundane and boring. I was about to go insane, and it would not have been good if that level of insanity was allowed to stew. 

Let me tell you... I might be in a mental institute if that were the case. Thank goodness, we are back to normal now more or less. I have never been happier to return to my normal life ever before! It definitely taught me to be more thankful for my everyday circumstances. I guess that is one of the positives that came from this whole experience, but I would not be sad if it were a very long time before I had to deal with mother nature in this manner again.

I do not plan on missing another complete week again. Unless something unforeseen like this happens again, you shall see four posts from me per week. See ya tomorrow!


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