Don't Worry.

In a harsh world where judgment runs rampant, it is important to remember we were all created in our own way. God created us with a light in our soul. The light represents our spirit. Sometimes, just naturally, our lights dim and brighten according to circumstance. Sometimes, in all of the futile chaos of life, we tend to forget about our own self-esteem. The world is so hectic and busy that we get wrapped up in our work. We begin to think that our work is the only thing that matters when we get lost in it. We forget that we are supposed to slow down and relax. We forget that there is more to life than achievement and success. We forget to look in the mirror and appreciate what we see. God has given us a beautiful life with an ordered plan, set just for us. We forget to tell our parents and other loved ones how much we love and appreciate them. We don't take the time to think about the fact that life is short and we never know when our life will end. We take advantage of the fact that we wake up each morning still breathing. We just wake up and move on with our lives. We all need support, though, no matter how high our confidence may be. We all need a pat on the back and a need for someone to validate our efforts. We can't do life alone. We make our own choices and build our own lives, but we all need help along our journey. During this time, others may try to knock us down. The only do this in order to feel better about themselves. It is really is sad and personal that some people have to do this. However, I want you to remember that those people are wrong. You are enough. You may fall down, but you always make sure you rise again. You may be battered and bruised, but you always heal. You may be weak at times, but you always come back with an even stronger attitude.


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