FINAL POST OF WEEK 8-- Blurb about coping as well as you can.


You sit on your cold kitchen tile floor in your sweatshirt and sweatpants with a full glass of wine in hand. You are hoping that the wine will somehow cure all which ails you. You know deep down that the alcohol you are you using to cope is not some magical elixir that will make all of your problems go away.

Let us be honest, we drink occasionally to make things a little easier on our already claustrophobic mind that is so cluttered that it is screaming for the littlest bits of free space. In the past year, we have all been dealing with things that have the potential to crowd the mind with little relief. It is certainly enough to release the devil that sits in the corner of your mind, yearning for recognition and acceptance. That same devil knows that things have to get pretty tangled for him to be an active participant in your life. You are a busy person, and most of your time is taken devoting time to your work and learning to be an essential part of this crazy society.

                Once you fit in finally and your star t feeling wonderful, the devil decides to start throwing the curveballs, tempting you to get fed up with every strike and blow to the head. You just want to be happy and hang out with your friends, but your mental environment is just not allowing it. This is frustrating. I get it, 100%. If you are feeling this way, please know you are not alone. We are all dealing with something. Even if someone says they are fine as a general statement, I promise you that deep down, they are struggling too.

                We may not all deal with struggling in the same manners, but the act is universal and part of the huma n experience.  This is the part of life that no one can teach us how to cope with. It is all up to us and it is our ultimate responsibility. We can seek advice, and it is recommended, but in the end, it is up to us. The one in the driver’s seat.


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