Welcome to blog week #8!!!!

 Good morning, y'all. Welcome to week 8 of blogging!!! I cannot believe it has been eight weeks since I started doing this project! Although I now have decided that a more reduced schedule is the better thing for my mental health, I still have been keeping up with my commitment to this space!

This is huge for me. Admittedly, I am very flawed and one of my flaws is setting a goal and then not coming through with the promise because life gets in the way or I don't feel like doing it. It is my sincere hope that you're enjoying it as much as I am.

I am going to be doing several different writing activities this week. I am going to make it a goal to provide my readers and followers with some variety. Since I am also working on a third collection of poetry, I think that attempting so much poetry here gave me the confidence I needed to continue my project. 

Today marks the beginning of February. 2021 is moving right along. I always say if you don't move with time, it will leave you behind. This is so true, and this statement alone provides me with so much motivation to keep things moving along. 

To keep my routine interesting, I like to set coloring goals for myself. This month, I am doing a Hannah Lynn theme. I have nearly all of her collection so that should keep my coloring full of variety. Goals for writing remain the same with more emphasis on my book  I will come back at the end of the month and write a progress report on my goals.


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