Week 5 blog 4.

 Break Free

    We would all like to break free from the chains in life that hold us back, but the single thing holding us back is the how. We don't know how to do it so we search the internet and other people for the answers. This is what we are taught to do in today's culture. We are taught to seek other's advice, but what we really should do is look inside of ourselves.

Think of it like this.. Our life and the choices that we make represent our mirror image. Meaning that your attitude and the choices surrounding it are what make up who you are and what you are composed of.

So perhaps the answer is just stepping back to take a look at ourselves and figure out what we can do to break away from the hardships and the things that put a hold on our lives. I know it is difficult, especially in the crazy times we are living in now because the options are limited. However, I have always stood firm on the fact that self-discovery is your most important attribute.

Every seed of change starts to sprout once we know who we are and what we fully intend to do with our lives and its divine purpose. It is then an only then that we can begin the process of breaking free.

Just a little something to tickle your thoughts!!


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