Dancing is a fickle art form. Week 4 blog #2

 Today's blog post is going to be a prompt about dancing. I feel that dancing is a widely underappreciated form of art. I say that because it is easy for us to admire dance from afar without conceptually realizing the amount of work that goes into dance. Dancers, especially professional ones, are very hard workers. They have extraordinary flexibility and copious amounts of grace all rolled into one person. In many ways, dancers remind me a lot of gymnasts. 

They are very similar in terms of dedication. 

Enough talk about the actual art... let's get onto the prompt..

Imagine it is a perfectly sunny day. You have the top down in your convertible. You pump up your favorite artist and song on the radio. Even though you have never claimed to have singing skills, but you're so into the music that you're singing at the top of your lungs. Even when you get stuck in traffic, you don't even care who hears you.

Your toes are tapping, and you look at your arms and notice that there are goosebumps covering them. Sometimes, it is nice to remember how music touches and transforms the soul. Even though you have never claimed to be a dancer, you just cannot help yourself! Those are honestly just the absolute BEST days when you feel so free and happy to be alive. Often, when I am writing, I turn on my favorite music stations and just enjoy the music and dance in my wheelchair. It really helps the work environment!


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