Your Attitude Matters Story #3

You were told you couldn’t, or you shouldn’t. You spent your entire life underestimated and no one wanted to think twice about your actual ability. They looked at you from the outside and saw someone who was physically stuck and incapable. They didn’t see you as a human who had a big heart and even bigger aspirations. Of course, this would take more work than someone who already has the things they need. I was born ready for challenges, though. Obviously, my birth had already been a challenge, so what’s one more? My whole life was tailored for others to sit back and watch as I accomplished what they thought I would not do. Little by little, they would be amazed and taken aback what they see and slowly but surely, they would give me the credit I deserved. It is always a good thing when others value your work and see that you are willing to work for your milestones. It was and is hard work, though and if you are not careful, it will run you down and take all of your energy. Your body is much like a battery. It can perform as long as its full and recharged. If you keep using it when its power is low, it will eventually give up and die. Make sure you are rested and ready for the day. If you’re still tired, and you’re able to do so, take some time to get some extra rest. Make sure you are always fully ready to tackle what’s in front of you. You can’t expect to do it sluggishly because you won’t be giving and putting out your full potential. If you are going to work tired and sloppy, you can expect the same results from your work and attitude. Remember, your attitude is a direct reflection of your character.


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