Quote inspiration #1 November 13th Blog

As humans, we tend to hang on to emotions and perhaps grudges more than we should. We can become bitter because of the things that happened in our past that we would rather forget. We can look at ourselves in the mirror sometimes and feel disgusted because of some of the poor decisions we made in life. The truth is we cannot change the past or who we identified as in the past. It is over and finished. However, since most of our lives are built and thrive around memories, it is sometimes difficult for our minds to let go of the stains that have marked our past. Bad memories can also tend to haunt you like the monster under the bed. Life is weird like that. Sometimes a song that comes on the radio can trigger some negative memories and every time you hear that song, you may become angry and triggered by that song that reminds you of a certain event or person. This can cause a mental breakdown or a heavily emotional reaction. The same thing can happen with happy memories of the past. Maybe the photos compiled in your family’s photo album brings back the great memories you had of the time you went sledding or camping during your childhood. Maybe it reminds you of the time that your father caught a fish so large that its weight sent him tumbling back into the pond water. No matter what you do, and no matter how badly you want to keep these memories bottled up or throw them out, you cannot change how things turned out. Unless you can time travel, and if that is the case, I would like for you to give me tips and clues as to how to gain access to a time machine. No one is perfect. God created all of us with imperfections and flaws, and I am sure if, given the chance, many of us would take up the invitation to jump into the time machine to go back and fix the smears of our past. However, in a way, this is what makes life intriguing and interesting. Behind every flaw and hardship, there is a lesson to be learned that can be used in the future to make sure you don’t make the same mistakes in the future. I say quite often that you’re the one in the driver’s seat in your life. I understand that depression and anxiety from the past may have scared you more than anyone will ever know. These are just unfortunate side effects of hard times that are uncontrollable. Despite these feelings, though, you make the choice of how you feel for the day. You make the decision sometimes as soon as you wake up. If you wake up thinking it will be a horrible day, it is likely that you will have a hard time that day. If you wake up hoping to have a happy and full productive day, you likely will have a day that correlates in that same general direction. Positive and Negative auras follow you around depending on the choices you make. You may not have the power or will to change your past, but you certainly can work towards changing your future. You and only you have the power to want to change and better yourself. You can seek advice and comfort from others, but they cannot jump in your head and change things for you. You are nobody’s responsibility but your own. If you try to take on another person’s issues as well as your own *because let’s face it, we all have our own issues* you will end up driving yourself absolutely crazy. We all know that is not at all healthy for you or your spirit. As a person filled with compassion and empathy, this can be extremely hard for me to get a handle on. Particularly when it concerns someone I love deeply. I know deep down that I have to take care of myself and make me my first priority if I want to make a better environment for myself. Just remember that we are all works in progress and use every day
to improve and get better. You will definitely thank yourself later.


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