We Deserve More

We as humans deserve more credit. Of course, we are blessed beyond belief to be walking this Earth and taking part in our surroundings. Don’t mistaken that part. However, I believe the adversity some of us face doesn’t get the credit it deserves. We face things some people could only dream about facing. Our strength has to work overtime to bring us through the roughest of seas. We have to overcome floods of our spirits. Floods of abnormal proportions. Ones that totally overflow and take over our entire bodies. Sometimes, we have nothing left to do but wallow in our own sorrows and let them out in a form of a breakdown filled with tears bigger than our own eyes. Just like we do after a long day, I am sure our spirit tires. We have to be sure to take care of our bodies just like we do ourselves. Our bodies are what work overtime to sustain us. It’s only fair to treat it with respect and fuel it with good stuff to keep it going efficiently. We push until our wheels fall off because in society, we are taught that it is not only selfish but unacceptable to give up and throw in the towel. We are taught to be strong and stand tall even when we want to slouch. We are taught to value our lives even when we feel like they have gone to shit. We are taught to suck up our sorrows and hold on tight because life is not always going to go the way we want it to. We are taught to put our faith in God and are told that no matter what, He will be there to guide us with His plan. We are surrounded by the unknown and are expected to just let the dominos fall as they will. We are taught that nothing is given to us and everything should be something that we are willing to work for. We are taught to treat others how they would want to be treated. All of these things may seem simplistic and even more than that, obvious statements. However, they are most definitely easier said than done. Life can throw us some pretty violent curveballs. Some that we are expected and some that we would have never seen coming. The best thing to do is take them as they come and try to deal with them one at a time. If you try to take on more than that, you will end up exhausting yourself and becoming overwhelmed. It is important to develop a routine and life and try your best to stick with it each day. It keeps your mind organized and keeps things in somewhat of a neat and tidy order. Just like your home, your mind also needs to be organized. If you stick to an organized routine, you are more likely to hit your goals you have for each day. You are more likely to have more satisfying and productive days and an overall happier attitude toward each day!


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