Top Ten signs you may have Cerebral Palsy and chronic pain

This is a list I came up with entitled “Ways to tell that you are experiencing Chronic Pain conditions and Cerebral Palsy”. As a side note, I know that everyone is affected differently, and this list might not completely tailor to all your issues, but I thought it would be fun! So, here we go: 1.) When you feel like you have run a marathon, but all you did was shower, get out and get dressed! Showering is quite a chore, right?? Anything to stay clean, though! 2.) When you are trying to put on socks, but because your toes don’t flex, they keep getting caught in the strings of fabric on the inside! You keep having to remove them and start over! Hey, persistence wins! 3.) When your legs decide they are little bunny Fu Fu and want to hop through the forest, but instead you are having an episode of Clonus, and your legs are delusional! I know clonus doesn’t hurt everyone, but it sure does hurt me!!! 4.) When you are trying to figure out why you are tired as soon as you got out of bed. Then, you remember that getting out of bed is exhausting! 5.) When a product says, “easy open” but it still takes you twenty minutes to open it! I guess the producers of such products do not take people who are affected by fine motor skills into account. 6.) When you are pulling on your “ez track” drawer in your refrigerator and the entire first shelf comes toppling down on you 7.) When you have always slept in a fetal position and forget about the fact that you have hip deformation and dislocation and cannot get it to relax for ANYTHING the next morning (I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS!) 8.) When you are all excited about all the stories you are going to write, the pictures you will color, and the books that you will read the next day. However, your chronic pain conditions wake you up the next morning with an attitude from hell and you are forced to spend more time in bed than you’d like to! 9.) When you are finished brushing your teeth, and you go to rinse your mouth out with mouthwash and then startle for NO REASON and it spills all over you! 10.) When you are often commended for your smile and great attitude despite all of the above, you might have CP and chronic pain 


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