My thoughts in a nutshell....

I am a pretty cool chick. Very very laid back. Open to most people's beliefs (Notice I did not say ALL I said most). Having said that though, I am quite liberal in my thinking, which in the south, especially Louisiana, makes you a target at dinner parties so I just take the nod and smile approach most of the time. I'm happy go lucky, and I have just a little bit of funk added in for good measure! I'm an old soul and an introspective thinker. I am as independent as I can be by nature and have a spirit that does its best to withstand damn near everything that is tossed my way. I'm stubbornly strong and aggressively optimistic.Despite my setbacks and downfalls, most of the time I manage to keep all of the aforementioned traits in check. You know those types of people who will change certain qualities to fit in with others? I think that is the most ridiculous thing. In my opinion, though, it is a classic sign of intimidation or insecurity within yourself. I spent SO many years scared of others because they had more money than me, or accomplished more, so I would put on a facade and try my best to ditch all of my 'better qualities' to 'ones that fit the situation'... WELL, NOT ANYMORE. If you don't like all of my traits, or for some reason are embarrassed by me and my personality, please exit my life. Life is too short to bury yourself in your insecurities. Life is too short to pretend you're something you're not. Those who are genuine will remain with you despite all of your FLAWS (Yes, I said the dirty word 'flaw'... Oh, come on now.. we all have them.. get over yourself!) No single person on God's little green earth is without flaw! Do you know what is without flaw, though?? Love is flawless, but it is not without reason. Dare to be different and set the bar for others to express themselves. Individualistic freedom of expression is one of life's greatest gifts. If you take one thing away from this post: BE BOLD. LEAVE YOUR OWN MARK. The most beautiful thing is that no one's mark on this world is the same. I hope y'all enjoyed my post. The social worker in me occasionally comes out, and this was one of these moments! I believe firmly in being your own person. Not everyone is going to agree with everything you may do But let's be honest, who cares??? INDIVIDUALISTIC FREEDO


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