Don't let your fire burn out!

Today’s blog focus will be a motivational quote piece. I strive to write these posts with the intention of helping others, but to be honest, it helps me sometimes too. I am human, too. I do tend to have a very optimistic attitude and try to keep it that way for the most part, but every now and then, I need to be reminded of the simple things, too. Life is filled with good things that demand a celebration and bad times which cause bad moods and anger. I have found that good and bad times are an equal balance of 50/50. I understand though that when a hardship occurs, we feel like the world is against us. We feel like nothing we ever do can go right. We just feel defeated and backed in a corner by life in general. I would like to think of this as a natural reaction to bad stimuli. It can knock you down and refuse to let you get back up, especially if you are already prone to depressive feelings or episodes. Some troubles are easier to get over in comparison to many other tough times. When the extreme hits, it is hard to believe that things will get better, especially if it is a situation which causes you to grieve. Grief is a tricky beast, and it is not something that can be measured. It can hit you out of the blue, especially if a random song or memory is in your mind and it brings you back to a time when you still had that person around and were able to treasure them. However, I do have some good news to offer you. The sun always comes out eventually after a bad storm. It lightens the load while at the same time illuminating the Earth. In other words, it may feel like your troubles don’t have an ending, but I promise you, it does get better. No, they might not go away forever, but temporary relief from the struggle is at least present. The good news does not end here. To be truthful, it begins with your spirit. People will let you down. Things can be bought and returned, but your spirit cannot be bought with any amount of money and it certainly cannot be traded in. You may think that you are weak during a time of intense turmoil, but the truth is simply that you are human. You can only carry so much on your shoulders before the burden becomes too much to bare. The ultimate resolution lies within your strength. If you rely on it to get you through, it will never let you down. Yes, being strong does become tiring, but in the end, it will be worth it. There will be tests harder than any exam you have ever taken, but if you do not turn your back on your soul within, it will always be there. It will always carry you back to the shore to enjoy the abundant sunshine and joy. Always trust your instinct and never allow your light to burn out in the background!


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