Let's talk happiness.... Final blog of week 12.

Happiness is something everyone wants. It's the singular emotion that everyone seems to chase in a circle, but they never can catch it. It's like playing a game of duck duck goose and never getting to the goose. It's elusive. The devil tells us this when we are spinning out of control with sadness and depression. It's something we see in others, but never imagine seeing in ourselves. You see, the depression scratches and claws in an attempt to completely destroy and ravage you. It comes in with that specific plan and agenda and doesn't leave until it is complete. 

This leaves you confused and confined by sadness. After about a month or two, you tire of crying until your vision is blurred  You decide to make a change and seek help from a therapist for the sake of your mental health. You realize later that this was the best decision you could've made for yourself. After a few months of investing in yourself, you notice a complete change in your happiness levels. It's like this sense of peace has overtaken you. You begin to let go of what other people think of you, and you begin to really value yourself and the time spent with yourself trying to rebuild yourself. When your happiness and your path are filled with joy, no one can take it away from you. That is the novelty and grandest type of happiness. This is what we have spent our entire life chasing. Here it is, right in front

of your face. Take advantage of it!


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