Writers are weirdos.

 Happy Wednesday! I apologize for missing out on a post yesterday! To be honest, I didn't even really end up getting on my computer until the evening, and once I was on the computer, the writing was the last thing I felt like doing. As an independent writer, it seems like I am fighting a constant battle with motivation. I often have to talk to myself and convince myself that what I do is meaningful, even if my audience doesn't even read what I have to say. I am not naive and know that happens. However, for the sake of losing all hope, I write anyway. Fellow writers, please tell me I am not alone in this. There have been some periods in my life where I go months without typing a single word related to projects. When that happens, I argue with myself and say that I need to produce, but sometimes, my mind doesn't listen. During extensive breaks, I often wonder how and when I will ever gain the skill back. It is an everyday fight. Some of the population may see writing as a glorious and easy thing, but I can be the first to say that it is the complete opposite. 

Sometimes the trick to getting started again is listening to the music you're in the mood for. For example, I am listening to Chris Stapleton right now, and it is helping me move along with writing. I really can't explain how or why, but the flow of the music seems to help. Even though it can be sad and melancholy. I think what I am trying to say is that we writers are weird people. Sometimes, inspiration will hit me out of absolute nowhere, and usually, those end up being my best pieces. I sometimes resort to using prompts, but even then, my pieces kind of seem forced. I like the natural no help kind of writing the most, but I am not as fortunate to have that mindset all of the time. Fellow writers will understand, and there is a special amount of solace in that statement. Okay, I will stop boring you now. Time to create something else in order to keep up with this blog!


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