
Showing posts from 2020

Happy new year's eve! December 31,2020

 Well, we made it!! The finish line of 2020!! Those of us that have survived this whirlwind deserve a pat on the back! If we made it through this year, we can make it through anything!! I am not going to do a writing prompt today. I will post one tomorrow. Today, I just wanted to make a post to say happy new year's eve! If you go out tonight, please be careful! If you plan on drinking, please make sure you have a designated driver! For me personally, I will be doing much of what I usually do. Just staying in, eating, and watching TV!!! Enjoy your day and evening, and I will see y'all tomorrow!!

At that moment, she should've left.. Free write December 30,2020

 In the beginning, their relationship was what she saw as perfect. It was one of those relationships that you see shining in all of the sparkly and joyful posts across both Facebook and Instagram. Her friends complimented her about how well they fit together and how they made the perfect couple. There were even suggestions that her boyfriend might have been the person she was waiting for and spent her entire life looking for.  However, what they didn't realize was how difficult it was behind closed doors when there was no need to put on a show for social media. Having known that her boyfriend had a troubled past and an even more marked childhood, she assumed that the hard things would resurface from time to time. That happens when you grow up, no matter the intense gravity of your relationships.  She did not expect it to get this bad... Lately, when he would have a trying day on the job, he would come home and blame everything on his girlfriend, the only person he had eve...

Free-Write Poetry Blog #2 Week 3 December 29,2020

 Welcome to Tuesday! I wish you a happy and productive day! For today's entry, I have decided to do a free-write. I hope you enjoy all of the different forms of writing that I am doing. "The Tide" Growing up  The Beach was your favorite Place on this sacred planet You loved splashing around Kicking around  And enjoy feeling the water Splash back onto your face Now that you are grown I hope you still feel that  Same sense of joy As you go rushing Toward the tide

Writing prompt #1 for week 3 December 28,2020

 Good Monday Morning! We are approaching the new year this week. I wish you an amazing week!  The writing prompt for today is hidden inside the jacket... When I walked the narrow halls of the subway, I had seen my fair share of different looking characters. I am assuming they are all from different walks of life. Many of which I am not privy to. Usually, I do not judge when I see a different looking person nor do I gawk. I just kind of go about my day and forget I had even seen those people or even walked the subway. However, that dreary spring day was one I will remember for the rest of my life. I say this because there was this girl I walked past who is forever etched in my memory. I had never seen anyone as forlorn and desperate as she was. There was some sort of longing in her face that was unique... She carried her entire life in her tiny jacket. I know this because I found out in a very odd way. As she was calling for a taxi, I noticed that she left her jacket on the gro...

'It's Christmas!! December 25, 2020!

 The day has finally arrived! My favorite day of the year! Merry Christmas! We are almost to the finish line in this marathon of a year. I know 2021 will probably entail much of the same until everyone that wishes to can get a vaccine! However, I am making the choice to feel more optimistic about the new year.  I always live by the idea that a new year is a time to start fresh. To wipe the slate clean and begin again. To work hard on the things you would like to see improved. Based on this year, I am sure a lot of people have things they wish to see improve in the new year. I hope everyone has a wonderful day today surrounded by the ones you love, and if you're not able to be around the ones you love, know that you're in my heart and my mind.  I am having a very low-key and relaxing day as always. We don't usually make holidays a huge thing in my family. I am very laid back so that is the way I like it. We finished opening presents about aUntn hour ago so now I am just ch...

Merry Christmas eve December 24, 2020

Christmas eve is finally here! I know the moms and dads of the little ones are anxiously awaiting Santa's arrival.  Because of the special meaning of this day, I thought I would write a quick poem. Shine Brightly Gather your family around the Christmas tree So we can see the faces of glee And ones of suspense As we wait to see how the last  Night was spent The footprints on the floor Show us that Santa brought  Presents and much more So Shine Brightly  Bring us your happiness galore! :) Have a great rest of the day! See ya tomorrow!

Writing Prompt #2 Muddy shoes- December 23, 2020

 The following blog is a short story derived from a prompt. Only 2 more days until Christmas!! I am not the paranoid type. Since my husband is a paramedic, I am used to the crazy hours that sort of job entails.  He is even loving enough to remind me when he won't be around as much and is in high demand. I am not the type who gets scared easily. I like to watch horror movies for fun, and I enjoy scaring the shit out of myself. I am not sure what that says about me or my personality, but I like to think that I am a pretty rare type. I will also tell you that the house that my husband and I share is not new in any sense of the word, It creaks, and if I didn't feel safe in it, I would be the first to admit that it just might topple over on me while I am inside! I know that sounds scary, and if we could have afforded the mortgage, we would have bought a much newer and modern house. However, this house is what was in our budget and we have made the best of living in an older home fo...

Free write-- 1st writing prompt experiment December 22, 2020

 The writing prompt I am writing is based on a creative website I  found while looking on google for ideas. There are a million ideas out there, but sometimes having so much stuff out there can become overwhelming for your mind and creative wheels.  The following is what I chose for today: Write a poem about someone who you love but doesn't love you back. I look into your eyes with love and gratitude Because you changed my life for the better Took my negative thoughts  Transforming them into more positive ones Yet you don't return the favor when you Look into my eyes You see friendship and caring  But that is as far as that  Will go I have tried with all of my might to express  My love But knowing you don't feel the same Leaves my soul empty And my stomach feeling Knotted with dread I do not know what I did For you to deny my love But I guess you cannot  Change someone's attractions No matter how strongly you may Feel about it I have tried to get ...

Holidays plans Blog post for December 21,2020

  Good morning! How are y'all doing? It is the beginning of a new week. It's not just any week, it is Christmas week! I am still going to be writing up posts. I don't have any huge plans for Christmas. Just having a nice simple Christmas morning with my family and then eating and watching the Saints game. What do y'all have planned? I would guess most people's Christmases are going to be pretty simple this year. Mine are usually pretty low-key, so it won't be much different if at all for me.  I am still looking forward to it though. My new year's eve will be much the same. Just at home watching TV and having a little something to drink. I am going to go to Rouses and try to find some good rum or something. I hope everyone has a fantastic Monday and has the time to complete your preps for the holidays! See you tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will begin writing prompts and short stories!

Blog Post For December 18, 2020 A Poem about the Pandemic

It is Friday. That means that this is my final blog post for the week. I have to say that I am very proud of myself for keeping up with my postings here and my routine. I can only hope that my 5 day a week blogs will become a thing. Until then, enjoy the poem that I wrote again on a whim. Life Changes It is odd how life changes How one second is never  The Same How we should take nothing For granted Not breathing Not thinking clearly Because one day Without your permission  It could all disappear In the face of despair What do you do? Do you turn around And run Or stand still  And let the silence tell the story Sometimes silence exists in order  In order for us to collect our thoughts This year has been full of silence  And full of chaos  All at the same time Healthy people Falling ill in a matter of days So ill in fact that they do not even Remember how they got there in  The first place Hooked up to a breathing tube And looking death square in the ey...

Quick Hello-- Blog Post for December 17,2020

 I am coming to you from my laptop at 7:35 PM. Again, kind of a day where I didn't get my stuff done in the morning like I usually do. I had an appointment with my pain management doctor to update the dosage of my Baclofen pump. It is not quite where it needs to be yet, but I just have to be patient and let it work out its own kinks. Much like yesterday,I did not think I would post today, but I wanted to stay with my goal, and I am slowly learning to become more responsible again. Seems like that is something I am always working on as a human. When you're in charge of yourself work-wise, it is easy to get lost in irresponsibility.   I have seen this very thing happen to me time and time again, and it is frustrating to have to learn how to regroup over and over again, but I suppose it's also part of being human. I am sure we have all had an instance in life where we had to will the motivation to appear. Here I am just popping in to say hello. I will be back tomorrow with a...

Quick Write Weekly Blog Post December 16,2020

 I hardly ever decide to post this late in the evening. It is just a little after 6. I wasn't going to write a post today, but instead of abandoning it completely and not sticking to schedule, I decided to post something quick. What you will see below is just a really quick piece of creative writing I came up with. " Sunset" As the sun makes its exit for the day We see the sky painted with a beautiful canvas Not one a human could create But one only a higher power could be Responsible for I look around with a grateful thankfulness  For the beauty that surrounds me As the sunset disappears And gets ready for another day I find myself marveled by the day

Weekly Blog Project--December 15, 2020-- Is Christmas REALLY here???

 It's December 15. Christmas is in ten days. That thought really scrambles my brain for some reason. If you look out of my window, the weather matches the time of year. Cloudy, gloomy, and for Louisiana, it is rather cold, especially without the sun. This crazy year is bound to blow everyone's mind when we sit back and think about how unique it was.  The first image that comes to mind when thinking about this year is unfortunately the overloaded hospitals and sick patients hanging on for dear life. It is images of all of the discouraged people fighting for racial justice and campaigning for equal treatment. When I reflect on the social justice issues, it makes me feel ashamed and truly sad that in such a decade we are still trying to tackle this. It is my hope that 2021 brings with it a brighter and more accepted spirit. I hope that it brings back a world that we are all accustomed to. I hope in the new year that I am able to socialize and hang out with my little friend group ...

Weekly Blog Project December 14, 2020-- Writing is a fickle art.

 Hello, everyone,  It is a new week so I decided that it is time to brush back up on my writing. Writing is a fickle art. It is very easy to get trapped in your own mind and listen to the devil when he tells you that you're not a good enough writer. It certainly discourages you from putting out material. There are so many better and more gifted writers out in the world and that becomes super intimidating. to even attempt to put something out there. I am not sure if anyone else feels this way or if it is just me, but I am almost certain that I cannot possibly be alone in my thinking. For me, right now, it is all about getting on a schedule that I can stick to without overwhelming myself. Like many other writers, my mind is filled with ideas of projects that I would love to produce, but as soon as I think I have it in the bag and am ready to go, the negative feelings will creep back in and tell me that my writing is not good enough. It is a difficult cycle at times that put a to...

Where oh Where Have I been?

 I am so sorry that it has been a while. I am not sure who follows this blog anymore, but I like to make a goal to keep up with it as much as possible. Unfortunately, life gets in the way sometimes.  On November 16th, I had Baclofen pump surgery. A pump filled with the muscle relaxer baclofen was implanted in the right side of my abdomen.  I also had a catheter that carries the medicine to my spine inserted. This may sound like a simple thing, and to be honest, that is the impression I went into this with. To be honest, it was anything but simple. To be completely honest. the recovery has been a disaster. I had the worst spinal fluid headaches of my life. The intense pain from them was making me throw up anytime I would sit up so I was bed-bound for about 8 days. Once I found out that I wasn't supposed to be having these headaches any longer, I went back to the hospital to have a procedure called a blood patch which was supposed to seal off the leaking spinal fluid and co...

First Poem in third collection is done!!

 A couple of weeks ago, I announced that I was taking on a third poetry collection. It may be weeks later, but I finally took the bull by the horns and wrote the first poem that will go in the book. It is such an awesome feeling, and I am proud of myself. I made no secret in the fact that I was struggling to find motivation during a global pandemic and for a while, the sadness overtook my mind. Since the case count seems to be doing a little better in Louisiana, my mind is a little better at being focused. I am fully ready to take on the challenge that writing a book takes. It feels good to be reacquainted with myself. I know that may sound kind of odd, but it is really easy to lose yourself when there are sad things taking over the entire world.  Now I feel refreshed and re-energized. I am excited about what awaits me, and I hope you are, too! :)

SURPRISE!! A new project announcement!!

  2020. What a year it has been thus far. I guess one would imagine that times like these are the most opportune for writers like myself. After all, writing is certainly a solitary job. A one-man band one might assume. We as writers turn our homes into our offices anyway. We might as well relish in the stay at home idea and dive into some writing, right? As common sense and reliable as this idea is and may seem to be, it is definitely easier said than done. I, like everyone else, got wrapped up in all of the heartbreak that has been happening for the past six months. I admittedly let it consume me. I did not mean to get all invested in it, but when it is all you see on the news, it is exceedingly difficult not to become emotionally invested. I suppose it is what makes us human. Along with becoming completely immersed in the unusual time and the sadness that came with it, I lost motivation for my writing.   I lost myself for a while. It was an interesting step back. It is a...

These Times are not Easy...

Times are difficult right now for everyone. As humans, we all have our own ways in which we wish to cope with sadness and despair.   Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we just cannot shake the misery we may be experiencing. If you happen to feel this way, right now, there is no need to fret. You are definitely not alone. This is a worldwide crisis, and there are varying degrees of pain being felt in every corner of the world. Even if you have not lost someone you love to this virus, even just hearing about the death and devastation can affect many people, especially those of us who are empathic and tend to feel other people’s pain. Many people who were fulfilled by their craft and their work in the past are now looking to something new to fill the void. There are also many people who are in dire straits financially and do not know when they will have a place to call home anytime in the near future. Thinking about all of these things on a daily basis and have them run around ...

Free Write post #4

I'll be the first to admit, I have not been as responsible for keeping up with posting and sharing my writing on this blog, particularly in the month of February. Maybe I can redeem myself this last week! I am continuing with my free write theme to work on honing my skill. I also mentioned a couple weeks back that I am going to be working on a third collection of poetry! It will be sold on Blurb Books just like my previous collections. I'm really excited about beginning this new project! These free-write posts are meant to help me prepare for the process of writing another book! "Rainy Day" It looks as if it is haunted outside No birds are tweeting high in the trees All around me There is dead silence The clouds are heavy And look ominous and even angry They look like they could burst at any second Pouring down rain in buckets and releasing their forbidden tears

Free Write post #3

“Winter” The ground covered in snow Chills me to the bone But I stare at the bird on the limb Who is brave enough To let the snow fall all over him As long as I have you in my arms I feel safe and secure Your big arms wrap me up Tightly And we step into the winter

Free Write Post #2 Needles

“Needles” When I close my eyes at Night I see myself being stuck by the needle It’s not something I need But it is something that I chase after I never thought I would overcome my fear of needles Until I realized that this gave me the euphoric high I was always looking for In this dream, I feel hypnotized A euphoric sense of happiness And a lust for life That I have never before felt A world where differences Were accepted and seen as The norm No one cared now if you were Picture perfect No one cared if you put on extra Pounds Or if your teeth weren’t perfectly straight It was almost like a eutopia Living in harmony With each other Regardless of differences In opinion When I wake I find it a shame That it is just a dream It is what I long for Without the artificial Sources I wish my mind Could take me away To a place with peace I wish it wasn’t Something that just Existed in my dreams

Free Write Post#1 Ambitious Heart

“Ambitious Heart” You wake up in the morning Determined and ready To make the big jump You are so excited That you can feel your heart’s rapid thump You have worked so hard To let your courage, take over the Drive You get in the car and drive aimlessly With no destination in particular You just want to conquer the miles Let the sun shine in your soul Let the wind whip through your hair And all of the sudden You find yourself smiling You missed the moments like this The simplicity of it You have been working so hard To get out of the darkness To make sure you are expressing yourself In the most perfect sense That you put the simple things On the backburner The Truth is though That you appreciate the small things You always have That’s the nature of your Ambitious heart You have survived the hardest times You have let your heart Jump for joy And have lived the good times To your fullest potential You have let your stre...

Upcoming posts/ A writing project!

Hello, guys, It's me, again. I am just writing in to let you guys know that the next few posts over these next two days and the following week are going to be based on writing prompts. I want to practice writing freely to get myself out of this writing rut and my block. I hope you enjoy my free writes in the upcoming days and weeks! It will only help me to improve my skill even more!

Welcome to 2020!

Welcome to the new year! It is absolutely mind-boggling to understand that I made it to this year. A year that looks and seems like it would be so far into the future. This year, in June, I turn 36 years old. 4 years from the big 40. Amazing and crazy at the same time! 40 seems so old! I know deep down that it really isn't. I am so blessed to have made it almost 36 years on the Earth!! Quite an accomplishment, especially with the understanding that I almost ended my life at 17 years of age. I was so young and so naive. I really had no idea who I was or even worse, what I wanted. I know lots of people enjoy making resolutions. That's not something I have done for the past two years. and resolutions are so concrete. If we are not careful, not accomplishing resolutions can lead to a feeling of failure. Failure is not something I like to or choose to dwell on so instead of making a resolution, I made a decision to better myself each day and to try my best to write on a more cons...