SURPRISE!! A new project announcement!!


2020. What a year it has been thus far. I guess one would imagine that times like these are the most opportune for writers like myself. After all, writing is certainly a solitary job. A one-man band one might assume. We as writers turn our homes into our offices anyway. We might as well relish in the stay at home idea and dive into some writing, right?

As common sense and reliable as this idea is and may seem to be, it is definitely easier said than done. I, like everyone else, got wrapped up in all of the heartbreak that has been happening for the past six months. I admittedly let it consume me. I did not mean to get all invested in it, but when it is all you see on the news, it is exceedingly difficult not to become emotionally invested.

I suppose it is what makes us human. Along with becoming completely immersed in the unusual time and the sadness that came with it, I lost motivation for my writing.  I lost myself for a while. It was an interesting step back. It is almost like I had to take the time to rebuild not only as a writer but more deeply down inside, I had to restructure myself.

What I kept forgetting while intertwined in this maze of chaos was the fact that rebuilding takes an insane amount of patience and understanding. This involves a lot of confusion and a dose or two of depression. With that being said, after a long break, I feel like it is time for me to make my come back with my writing.

In other words: Surprise!! I am going to be taking this time to work on writing a third poetry collection! This is probably my third attempt at starting this project, but that happens to all of us from time to time. We have to take what we once thought was golden and dust it off to begin again!

I do not plan to share much of this project. It is going to be mostly a secret! That makes it more exciting anyway! 😊


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