Free Write Post #2 Needles

When I close my eyes at Night
I see myself being stuck by the needle
It’s not something I need
But it is something that I chase after
I never thought I would overcome my fear of needles
Until I realized that this gave me the euphoric high
I was always looking for
In this dream, I feel hypnotized
A euphoric sense of happiness
And a lust for life
That I have never before felt
A world where differences
Were accepted and seen as
The norm
No one cared now if you were
Picture perfect
No one cared if you put on extra
Or if your teeth weren’t perfectly straight
It was almost like a eutopia
Living in harmony
With each other
Regardless of differences
In opinion
When I wake
I find it a shame
That it is just a dream
It is what I long for
Without the artificial
I wish my mind
Could take me away
To a place with peace
I wish it wasn’t
Something that just
Existed in my dreams


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