I CARE. Blog Challenge #4

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and didn’t recognize the person looking back at you?
Don’t worry I have been there, too. It doesn’t necessarily mean that we are ungrateful. It is just that it is sometimes hard to see the good things and the value that others around you may see. Perhaps the devil is letting us in on his most vile secrets. We would love to duct tape his mouth shut, but somehow the words find their way out even if his mouth is sealed shut. The words circle like a drain from his mouth to our ears and then our head. It is a deadly vicious cycle that can be extremely detrimental to our self-esteem and personal development. Even though we know deep down that his maltreatment and disgusting words are never true and can’t possibly be proven, we begin to let them soak in our minds. Our mind can operate like a sponge, and eventually, we begin to soak up all of those words and translate them as the absolute truth.
We then begin to sulk and cry because we feel worthless and wonder what our purpose is on Earth. We begin to wonder why we are going through such a dark and horrible time. Our anxiety takes over, and before we know it, we are pacing around aimlessly like an animal at the zoo. We begin to feel shut in and extremely isolated. Even though we know that seeing others could possibly eradicate our miserable feelings, seeing other people is the absolute last priority on our to-do list.
Who really wants to be around or talk to anyone who is in a bad space anyway? Staying isolated has the ability to make us think and thinking when you are already in a bad space can be extremely dangerous.
I am now going to offer some tips to you if you are feeling like you cannot go on any further in this life with these detrimental feelings.
1.     Take deep breaths. Sometimes meditation or other breathing exercises can help reduce stress and uncomfortable feelings.
2.     Take a relaxing bath. Even though this is a rather routine activity, taking a shower or bath at the hottest temperatures possible can help relax tense and cold muscles.
3.     Write in a journal. Take it from someone who spends the majority of my time awake writing. Writing can be very therapeutic and helpful when trying to get your point across. It can be even more efficient and effective than direct communication.
4.     Text a friend.  At times, all you need is some love and encouragement. If you are fortunate enough to have a close-knit group of friends who are totally invested in you, talking to them and listening to their support can be extremely helpful.
5.     Cry. Don’t be afraid to let all of your emotions out! Crying does not make you weak; it simply means that you’re a human carrying a lot on your shoulders and you need a way to let it come out. Bottling up and holding in your emotions is asking for trouble. Doing so allows them to build up and when the time comes for a breakdown, it all comes falling down on you at once like the world’s biggest avalanche.
6.     Seek the help of a therapist. Often, it is very helpful to talk to someone with whom you are not connected about all of your problems. You know that if there are no strings attached, there will be less likely to be judgment calls like there would be with a close friend or family member.
7.     Remember that you are loved and valued by many people on this Earth, and your purpose does not go unnoticed!!


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