A December Blog

As I romp joyfully through the winter wonderland, I can’t help myself and I am enamored with the beauty that is surrounding me everywhere I look. The white on the tree glistens with dollops of snow. The birds seem happy as the snow even covers them as well. This very scene makes me wonder why I do not take the time to really take in the breathless beauty that surrounds me on a more regular basis. 
Maybe it is because we as a society become so wrapped up in what we must accomplish on a day to day basis with work and life that we tend to leave the smaller things on the back burner. From the beginning of life, we are taught to work hard and relentlessly for what we want. Many times, we don’t even see the scope of the achievement until it is completed, and we receive the gold star of accomplishment.  
Maybe it is because we are addicted to work and don’t see merit in any other form. Whatever the case may be, I think it is very important to appreciate all of the little things as much as you possibly can. 
Without the little appreciations, I feel like we are missing out on so much of what makes life worth living. We were not meant to just work and then die. We were put on this Earth to fully envelop the joy and yes, even the disaster in our life situations. I think we should and need to make it a goal to readjust our focus in life and make a point to really and honestly express our gratitude and detriment. It’s normal, and most of all, it’s healthy, especially at this time of the year. 


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