Don't let the negativity affect you.

One thing is for certain. We live in a very judgemental world. People will find any and every excuse to point fingers or ravage someone just because they may not share the same viewpoint. I have always said that opinions are something that makes everyone different and unique. This world would become mighty dull if we agreed on the same things all of the time. Another thing I feel strongly about is my freedom to express my opinion without being jumped all over for it. Sure, a lot of my thoughts are in the minority, especially politically, but just like I don't believe in jumping on others for their view, I believe the same respect should be given to me. I understand that we will never live in a perfect world, and I know there is no such thing as a perfect person. However, the way we treat people is totally in our control. I live by the golden rule (or try my best to). I believe others should too, and should be especially careful when considering others feelings. Some people (like myself) are super sensitive and hate confrontation. Any sort of confrontation is quick to make me cry and feel extremely hurt. I was to reiterate that this fact does not make anyone weak or as some like to say a "snowflake". This makes us human. When your feelings get hurt, sometimes it is hard to overcome. You may play it over and over in your head, to the point where you are trying to find fault in your own freedom to speak your mind,. This may happen and might even cause you to lose sleep. The thing is though.. this should never happen because then you start to fret too much which in turn causes intense stress. This is not good for anyone's body or soul. The secret is to try and find the good in everyone. We don't have to agree with every single thing they say. We have to have the ability to forgive and accept their views as is. Yes, it sounds simpler than it is. It's sometimes tough to do, but it is good practice! You can keep all of your desired relationships if we have the power to accept and come to terms with differences.


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