When I close my eyes at night..

When I close my eyes at night, and I drift off to dreamland, I see the person I was meant to be. I see a normal, happy, and physically healthy person. A person who is married and lives without burden. I open my eyes in the morning and realize it was just a mere dream. In some ways, I am glad to return to my normal wheelchair dependent life. I think it is because I truly don't know any other way of life. I am accustomed to my adaptations and my routine, as simplistic as it may be. I don't think many people could live my life successfully. Not because it is horrible, but because it is limited. Life, in many ways, is like a game of poker. You never know if you will have a lucky draw or not. You just play along with whatever you are handed. Sounds way simpler and easier to do than it is actually is. My greatest tip I have is to love yourself. Once you love yourself you can carry on trying to put your life together. Think of your life as the world's biggest puzzle. Once you figure out the strategy, it starts to come together, piece by piece. No matter what your dreams, they can come true as long as you're willing to work for it!


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