Important reminders

It is no secret that this world can be a hard place in which to live. There are many negative influences that have the capability of knocking us down. Despite that, it is very important to see the positive sides of the world as well as in yourself. So, I thought I would make a blog out of some of my most important reminders. 1. You are enough. Some people might try to make you feel inferior by listing all of their successes to your face, and at the time, you may feel lesser, but in the end, what matters is how you treat others and if you are viewed as a good human being. As long as you are remembered for the difference you have made in other people's lives as well as in the world, that is all that matters. You may not have what is deemed as the perfect body or you may not have an out of this world intelligence quotient, but to someone out there, you are everything they have. 2. You can and you will-- We are human. That statement usually implies one thing. We make mistakes. What matter most is how we rise up after our mistakes have knocked us down. There is not a perfect soul on this Earth. We need to find it inside of us to embrace our imperfections. This is more important than you may realize. We will have bumps in the middle of achieving our dreams. No one has a smooth ride, but as long as you put your mind, body, and soul into it, you can do it. 3. Keep Chasing After Your Dreams-- You and only you (and God) know what your purpose on this Earth is. We all have to work to become what we have always dreamt we would be. Keep chasing your dreams until you're breathless-- no matter how silly and unattainable some may think your dream is. Keep pecking away at it. You will get there eventually, and when you do, you will see how your blood, sweat, and tears were totally worth it. 4. You are loved-- It is true that we are not always everyone's cup of tea. That's just the way of the world. Some people will like you. Some will not. I guarantee you, though, to someone, you are their superhero. They cannot imagine nor do they ever want to imagine life without you. You mean the world to them. 5. You're strong-- Life is hard. There are going to be times when you think it would be easier to give up and throw in the towel. However, that is never the answer. The truth is that your strength will never abandon you. Everything else in your life is capable of leaving you, but your strength is unique to you and will always stay in place, no matter what the hardship. Love your strength and it will reward you tenfold.


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