Good Monday to you...

Good Monday morning to all! I know that Mondays are not usually people's favorite day of the week. For most, it is the weekend hangover day. You go into work tired from not getting enough sleep last night. You stupidly thought you could stay up and watch this end of the Sunday night Football without consequence. You don't realize how wrong you were until you go to turn off the alarm in the morning and reluctantly rise out of bed. Once you take a shower, you begin to wake up a little more, but you don't fully wake up until you drive-thru at your local Starbucks. Then once you have your fill of coffee, you're then ready to function. You get into work and you see the paperwork stuck with sticky notes that say things such as "due by the end of day" and you begin to question why you were so eager to leave early on Friday when you could have gotten this extra work done and would not have to have this load of stress on your shoulders presently. Deep down, I think we all know why this is. It is because we are so eager to get to the end of the week. Instead of looking into the moment and enjoying each second of the day, we look at what is ahead. We are human, and we all live with flaws. I believe this one flaw is universal. We need to be conscious of this and try to savor as much of life as we can. Life is short. We need to try and make the most of each day!


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