
Showing posts from February, 2021


 This blog post is going to be a diversion from my usual. Having been homebound even more lately due to the obvious reasons, I have had to be even more creative than usual. I know that adult coloring is a fad of sorts, but I have been doing it before it was cool. I loved coloring as a kid. I have always found it fun and since I cannot draw for anything, coloring has allowed me to expand my wings a bit more creatively. If you feel like you have exhausted all of your activities, giving coloring a try. You would be surprised at how entertaining it is. 

A writing challenge. Week 10 post #3

As writers do, I was looking online at some writing prompts to inspire some work. I found one that intrigued me. Writing about a color. So here we go... It is the color of the spacious sky Where all of the birds fly It is the color of calm Supposed to allow you  to a more peaceful realm To escape all of the present chaos And get your mind right It is one of the elementary Colors on the color wheel It is a common color And more than likely  One of the colors we first learn It is available in many shades And will add an abundance of brightness  To each space

Week 10 blog post #2

  "To See"  - A poem To see means to open your eyes as wide as possible And see the world around you To explore it with more depth  And perception To see people as humans And trying to live life Through their eyes If only for a second Maybe if we did that We could see life from a totally different lens

I am not freezing anymore!!! Week 10 has begun!

 Wow... well.... You see... I was missing from action last week as far as any sort of writing is concerned. This is because Louisiana was pretty much frozen over. We had an INSANE cold snap. This made me very grateful that I do not live anywhere near the regularly cold areas. I do not have any idea how someone could get used to that type of cold on a daily basis. If you can, congratulations, but I never could. We lost electricity for nearly 2 days. As a result, I mainly stayed in my bed and did not move buried under mounds of blankets. It was SO mundane and boring. I was about to go insane, and it would not have been good if that level of insanity was allowed to stew.  Let me tell you... I might be in a mental institute if that were the case. Thank goodness, we are back to normal now more or less. I have never been happier to return to my normal life ever before! It definitely taught me to be more thankful for my everyday circumstances. I guess that is one of the positives tha...


 I watch the words drip from my fingertips Each new stroke on the keyboard works  To form the words To create the magic Which you don't need  A black hat And a rabbit to complete One that takes you to  A different world When you are homebound And cannot travel The one that takes away the tears And allows the happiness to unravel

Week 9 blog post #3

I still remember when we put out the signs That said you were missing from  Both our home and our hearts Many tears were shed In fact some of the notices Are still damp with tear stains I could not begin to fathom  My life Without the joy you brought me Every single time I would come back home. I miss your kisses on my nose I thought I would have to learn without it Until a new day dawned And my cell phone rang to Tell me that you had been found and were safe I had never cried so many blind tears of joy in life I will always thank the person that found you And provided you with the comfort you needed waiting on my return She is indeed an angel in disguise 

Week 9 blog post #2 Poem #1 for the week

  Rain The clouds are all clustered together  It looks like my worst nightmare Is approaching Right outside of my front door As the clouds start getting darker It feels like it is night instead of day The rain falls With the heaviness Of God  Moving heaven and Earth To bring nurishment  To the nature around us

Monday blues.. Start of week 9

 I must have the Monday blues today. I am feeling sad, tired, and irritated with no real reason. I think it might be my hormones, but who knows? It was super bowl Sunday yesterday, and I just had a lazy day, as Sundays are usually spent for me. I am hoping I will feel better tomorrow. I will update then...

FINAL POST OF WEEK 8-- Blurb about coping as well as you can.

  You sit on your cold kitchen tile floor in your sweatshirt and sweatpants with a full glass of wine in hand. You are hoping that the wine will somehow cure all which ails you. You know deep down that the alcohol you are you using to cope is not some magical elixir that will make all of your problems go away. Let us be honest, we drink occasionally to make things a little easier on our already claustrophobic mind that is so cluttered that it is screaming for the littlest bits of free space. In the past year, we have all been dealing with things that have the potential to crowd the mind with little relief. It is certainly enough to release the devil that sits in the corner of your mind, yearning for recognition and acceptance. That same devil knows that things have to get pretty tangled for him to be an active participant in your life. You are a busy person, and most of your time is taken devoting time to your work and learning to be an essential part of this crazy society. ...

Writing Wednesday (Poem 2 of 2)

  The world of Social Media (Poem 2 of 2) This world is so prone to sharing When you look at the online world We can experience each other's lives Through photos and captions Sure it can be ugly and malicious It also offers a great insight  Into the world of the people we care  About and admire I find it fascinating  Sometimes spending hours Browsing other's pages I like to call it the Instagram hole

Writing Wednesday (Poem 1 of 2)

  Lonely Vibes (A poem) With summer approaching In the coming months We would normally think of sunshine Happiness and even a little getaway But since times have changed There are no more opportunities  To see you and enjoy things we used to This leaves me in a state of dizzying shock Despair and dismay These lonely vibes leave me sad And wishing for constant change

Welcome to blog week #8!!!!

 Good morning, y'all. Welcome to week 8 of blogging!!! I cannot believe it has been eight weeks since I started doing this project! Although I now have decided that a more reduced schedule is the better thing for my mental health, I still have been keeping up with my commitment to this space! This is huge for me. Admittedly, I am very flawed and one of my flaws is setting a goal and then not coming through with the promise because life gets in the way or I don't feel like doing it. It is my sincere hope that you're enjoying it as much as I am. I am going to be doing several different writing activities this week. I am going to make it a goal to provide my readers and followers with some variety. Since I am also working on a third collection of poetry, I think that attempting so much poetry here gave me the confidence I needed to continue my project.  Today marks the beginning of February. 2021 is moving right along. I always say if you don't move with time, it will leav...