Summertime-- a poem

Summertime The sun shines on my skin/as I sit by the pool basking in the sun/ School just ended/ And all of the kids are celebrating not having any more work to do/The teachers are just as happy/ They get to relax after dealing with classrooms of kids and teenagers/The purpose of the summer/is to enjoy life/to bask in the joy/ and remember what you have been through to get here/ we go through the winter/where everything is cold, barren, and brown/ but we stay alive/because we know that life will turn around/it means vacation with the family/and memories to last a lifetime/ the summer was the time of the year I made you mine/ I still look in your eyes/and see the love reflected back/you remind me that I have never lacked/ you just want me plain jane and all/ you hold my hand while we cruise the mall/ I no longer feel little of small/ you are everything I have been looking for flaws and all/ I will always remember this summertime/where the sun shine/meant that you would be mine forever.


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