finding your purpose within yourself..

well, hello, blog, it has been a while. i am going to make it a goal of mine to be more consistent with this. it is a good exercise in writing, especially when i am just not in the mood to work on my memoir. today is one of those days. don't get me wrong.. i love the work i have done on it so far, but sometimes, there is an emotional overload, and it is just too much. today, though, i wanted to share a post about finding your purpose. we all want to find our purpose and some of us may never stop searching. it is like the world's biggest treasure chest at the bottom of the sea. we all want to find it to see what it contains, but it is awfully elusive and only a few of us are fortunate enough to even get a look at it. fortunately for me, i always knew what i wanted to do. well, i had an idea anyway. i have always wanted to help make the world a better place. given the current state of the world, this is quite a task that would require an act of congress, but someone has to help. i went into social work as my major in college because i figured that would be the perfect choice to 'help'. my years in college were undoubtedly some of the greatest of my life. not only because i had gained my independence but because it was a place where no one gave a shit that i was different or in a wheelchair. it was a place where i felt comfortable and made a ton of friends. more importantly, this was the place that would kick start my future. or so i thought.. i really enjoyed my classes and for the most part, most of it came easily to me. i was geared towards working in post katrina new orleans this entire time so i decided to work my butt off and gamble with my chances at getting into tulane school of social work for graduate school. i set a goal for myself to make straight a's for two years in a row. four semesters total. somehow, i was so determined to do so that i ended up making that dream come true. i graduated from college with honors and was well on my way to tulane with a good education under my belt. little did i know that attending my dream school of tulane would shift my attitude about social work completely. i did not like tulane at all and felt like i learned much more in undergraduate. i was not nearly as happy there and apparently, god knew that i was most unhappy. before you knew it, my loans got denied for a second semester at graduate school in terms of loans, and i had to leave. since then, i have begun writing. i have written two books of inspirational poetry, and i really found my difference making skills shifting into the writing sector. i have found that i can use those same skills gained from my college degree to write from the heart and help others. currently, i am working on my memoir called breaking the barriers one obstacle at a time. here, i will create a more than honest account of my life to share with the world, heartbreaks included. it is my hope that it will help others in my same situation or just inspire the general population. i am very happy with my writing progress, and i really am a changed person since finding my true niche. once you find out what you are put on this earth to do, your life will change for the better. i am generally a very happy and positive person most of the time, but now, my happiness has been magnified by 10! so... my advice is this: if you are fortunate enough to find something you love, go after it with all of your heart and soul.. trust me. chasing after it will reap the benefits! :)


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