Fulfillment. Post #1 in the varied thoughts series

What does fulfillment mean to you? I feel like this is a varied term, as satisfaction levels vary from person to person. Some people are satisfied very easily, while for others, it takes an act of congress to make someone feel good about themselves. I feel though for the folks who are not satisfied easily, it is because they are taking the wrong approach. Often, these kinds of people compare themselves to others in an attempt to imagine how differently their life may have turned out if it were not for this happening etc. Or on the other extreme, for example wondering what they would have/be able to do if they had as much money as the opposing person. I am guilty of this myself. In a way, I think it is only natural to think what if in a general sense. It is interesting and sometimes fun to ponder different things. HOWEVER, if you spend too much time scrolling through Facebook and saying WOW! LOOK AT THAT! I WISH I WERE ABLE TO DO THAT OR TRAVEL THERE! that can catch up to you.. so much so that you begin to forget what's important and what is happening in your own life. You may think oh, there's nothing fun or exciting happening in my life.. I didn't get to travel to New Zealand like such and such! The truth is, though, no matter how dull or lifeless your life may seem, there is always something to be grateful for. For example, if you woke up this morning and are able to see the sun or the rain outside of your window, that's a reason. if you woke up free of pain and healthy, that is something to be grateful for. Unfortunately, I don't live without pain, but I do wake up every morning with air in my lungs, and I try my very best to give thanks for that. Once you begin to give thanks for the simpler (and sometimes more complex things like living) you begin to make your life a little bit less stressful and more manageable. I have definitely found this to be true in my own life. Once I stopped looking at people as more or less fortunate than me, and started looking at them as people with hopes and dreams just like me, I found that I started to evaluate my own life and began working on me! Sure, we all want what others have and what we don't. It is fun perhaps to imagine living in a mansion when all you've ever lived in is a house that is 'just right'. It is what makes us human. We always ponder the unknown in hope to find some answers, but the truth is, the unknown is unknown for a reason. As truth seekers, though, we will always attempt to unlock it, even if we'll never hold the right key. This is essentially what you're doing when you're focused on someone Else's fulfillment. You're holding a key which will never unlock your door. Focus on YOU and what you need and want. Your hopes your dreams. The road to anything in life begins with you. Once you truly begin to focus on YOU, you'll never look back!


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