life is a whirlwind...

 hi... i have not stopped by my blog to say hi to everyone in a while. i hope everyone is doing okay. the world is still crazier than we would all like it to be at this point, especially here in the good ole united states. i am doing okay. i have been going back and forth with feeling fine and then bouncing back with my depression. it's very annoying, and i wish it wasn't an issue anymore, but i truly cannot help it or do much about it. i am trying my best to get by the best way i know how. trying to stay busy and focusing on a few writing projects. as long as i can keep myself occupied, i do not see any real issues with trying to get better mentally. 

i have been doing a better job at keeping up with my blog this year, as you can probably tell with the sheer number of posts. my main focus right now is my third poetry book, but there are times like today when i work on little bits of everything. i may be doing some more posts this week. i will come up with something topic wise to post here in a few days.

coloring has done wonders for my depression and anxiety for me lately. i know my depression stems from not being able to hang out with friends in a couple of years. i am a bit of a loaner, but i do miss my friends and the idea of companionship. i think this is what the pandemic has taught me thus far. how important people are in this life. 

i hope things smooth out soon so i can at least have a halloween celebration, but things are just so uncertain right now. it's just lonely and hard. i will be okay, but i have to spend the time with myself and take the small steps to recover from bouts of depression. it's not easy, but i got this!


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