I am stepping away for a bit...

 I am sure this is rather obvious, but I have not been posting on here as much as I had planned. I was in a writing block phase recently, and this blog has not acted as the right tool to resolve it. In the beginning of the year and toward the end of last year, I thought that the blog would be the answer. I was wrong. You see, as a writer, we go through phases where one tool works better than the other. For the next couple of weeks, I am going to be focusing on posting on a website called The Prose. This site gives me an opportunity to have my writing seen and read and it offers a chance for me to put myself out there...

At this point, I am not sure when I will be back on the blog. I am hoping to make a regular return in about 2 months. So come read my stuff on www.Theprose.com


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