Why Self Confidence is Key

I am an observer of social behavior. It is absolutely and incredibly fascinating for me to watch people and the way they interact with the world around them. Body language and the way people carry themselves will tell you a lot about a person. In my opinion, you can also tell whether their self-confidence is real or artificial. The world and society as a whole is a very judgemental place. You are sure to have a finger-wagging at you for every little move it seems in today's world. The truth of the matter is that there is no perfect way to go about doing anything. We were all made differently for a reason, and we all choose to operate on what best suits us at any given time in our lives. We as people are no means flawless, and we try the best we can to live up to other's expectations. However, it is a given that we will make mistakes; we will do things that we later regret but cannot take back. Like it or not, it's part of the human experience. There are going to be dark times and struggle that you will have to somehow wiggle your way out of. You will find yourself screaming until you are breathless. Eventually, after what seems like an eternal struggle, you finally see the light. That ever so elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You all of the sudden begin to feel refreshed and alive when you remember your daily routine of kneeling down and praying for God to bring you some sort of reprieve. When you sit back and think about it, that is when you realize how immense the power of prayer can be. You are so thankful that you could shout from the rooftops. All of a sudden, everything starts to come together like a perfect storyline. You wake up every morning thrilled to be alive. It's that simple. If I felt my heart beating, I was unbelievably grateful. I woke each morning with an energized spirit and ready to start the day. I turned happily through my book of topics and graciously chose one to write about. I feel blessed and greeted by my personal talent in writing. I notice that I am breathing with ease when in contrast, it had been heavy and labored. When I sit back and think longingly about what I had prayed for nights on end about, it all makes sense. It turns out that I was so lost that I was left to ask God to help restructure my character and attitude so that I could love myself and others. Life is very much a process, and you must let things run its course and learn the lesson that awaits after every challenge. I learned that it is impossible to radiate joy unless you feel that in your spirit. You must learn a lesson in self-discovery and love yourself first.


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