Poetry Project for the week of March 25

Hello, everyone, this past week, I challenged myself to write four poems as a part of a writing challenge to help eliminate my writer's block! I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them! Poem #1 for the weekly poetry challenge. 3/25/2019 The dark clouds look distraught and angry As if they could blow up the sky At a flip of a switch The atmosphere is still And sterile The kind of weather That could send my mind Going off the rails I bite my nails Until there are none left This kind of weather brings back The horrible memories of the floods And the horrible thoughts Cloud my memory Until the sun shines again And brings back the hope of rebirth "Rebirth" Some call it recovery Bouncing back Not forgetting what happened But instead coping with it The best way we know how I like to call it a rebirth A turning over of a new leaf Treasuring the old but looking forward to the new Remembering that the sun always shines again "Enjoying life" When I was allowed to come out of my darkness I was shocked and scared to move I was scared that moving in any sort of sense Would leave me vulnerable to becoming Hurt all over again The rollercoaster ride essentially never ends But once my soul opened up I realized that happiness has been a totally different journey It is a journey where I am delighted by the sunshine Outside Happiness is enjoying the smallest of t;things I didn't think to take pride in before It is enjoying life and leaving the regrets behind "Being a writer" Being a writer is not an easy job If it was everyone would get a shot Being a writer is the ability to express yourself With words and doing so with skill It is about making sure your work is precise and interesting It is about reaching your own peak of perfection And taking pride in the mastery To know my writing is to take part In knowing the intricate points of my heart and soul To share my writing means I am opening up my universe to you And you get a free entrance ticket


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