My thoughts on gun control

I know that gun rights are a very touchy and can be somewhat of a sticky subject. I am writing this because I feel that it is very important to be heard. I wanted to make a “disclaimer” before getting into the real heft of this article; that is, I have an opinion and like everyone, I am entitled to it. You may not agree, and that is fine, but I would appreciate it if you would not attack me for my beliefs and thought process. Differing opinions make the world what it is today. It is why we are all unique and entitled to speak out. Every time I hear about a shooting, whether it is at a school or a public event, my heart breaks a little more. As a compassionate person filled with enough empathy to fill a football field, I always feel so badly for the victims of these terrible tragedies. Even sadder to consider though, is how the family of these victim’s families are left with a humungous hole in their heart. It is sad, and it is senseless. I will be honest. I live in the deep south, where there are a ton of gun shows, and during hunting season, you hear gunshots popping off in the woods left and right. I am afraid of guns; they not only terrify me, but they make me feel extremely shaky and uncomfortable. I have never been a fan of them myself. I understand that they come in handy if you are in trouble and need to defend yourself. I do not have a problem with responsible citizens owning guns and storing them where they know they are safe. Where I have a problem with guns is when they end up in the hands of people who should not ever be granted access to them. I am talking about the severely mentally ill and the pure evil. They should never be allowed to even step foot in a gun store, much less purchase one. Everyone who knows me knows that I tend to lean liberally. This, however, is not about politics. This is about human regard. Something NEEDS to be done. If we want some sort of peace when our children are in school, tighter law must be implemented. Background check must be done to “sniff” out mental illness. To me, this is not at all about taking the rights away from common people. This is not about breaking the second amendment. It is about sacrificing politics and working together to come up with effective laws to keep us safe. Imagine having not to worry when you put your kids on the bus in the mornings. It would be more peaceful and provide a sense of comfort for everyone involved. I do not see a problem with owning a gun for purpose of self-defense. To be honest, it is more than needed in today’s crooked world. However, where I see the problem is with the high-powered weapons that are designed to kill and kill at an increased rate. I do not think they should be sold to the common person apart from the police and the military. You may disagree with me here, but I felt the need to express my opinion on a contested subject. If you do not agree, you can tell me. I do not have a problem. When it turns ugly, that is where I have a problem. You do not need to call me ugly names and say “I am shoving my beliefs in your face”. Not only is that false, but it just holds us back. There is enough hate in the world. What we need most right know is an outpouring of compassion. Please be kind.


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