The Boredom Bug

The boredom bug is bound to bite all of us at a certain point in life. Sometimes its bite is sharp and unrelenting. Other times, a simple activity will alleviate the boredom and you will soon forget you were ever unoccupied. When I was younger, the boredom bug used to bite me all the time. For some reason or another, I could not combat the boredom bug when I was home during the week! It was honestly awful, and I noticed that I complained more at that time more than I ever did before! I am beyond glad that I am no longer bored so easily. To be fair though, I presently write for two different websites so the creative overflow keeps me busy and constantly thinking. I don’t have the time any longer to let the boredom consume my mind. Too much time to think negatively is never good. That is the precise moment when your depression (if you are a sufferer) will overtake you. Depression is surely a tricky bastard. It will spend all its time haunting you until you cannot take it anymore and may consider doing something you would not otherwise do. Of course, for those of us who have suffered from the beast that unleashes at the most random times, there is always counseling as an option. A trained therapist could always give you tips to keep from getting too unoccupied. Everyone is different and likes different things. However, I wanted to share some of the things I do to keep myself busy daily. 1. I am a writer so by nature, I spend a lot of time alone, but once my writing is published, my writing is seen by so many people. So, a job that can be lonely can suddenly become the most involved job you have ever had. When you write, you need to consider the fact that you are writing not only for yourself but for other people as well. Writing occupies all my senses. I try my best to write 4 days a week so that I can not only stay active but hone my skills. 2. I love to read. I try to go to the library at least once a month and feed my brain by reading as much as possible. Reading is not only fundamental, but it is a basic life skill that should be encouraged often. 3. I love to color. It is very therapeutic for me and helps lower both my stress and anxiety levels. It also allows for a bit of a creative spark and allows me to showcase the more “colorful” side of myself. If you fight with boredom, or if you are in a similar situation to me where you are required to find activities you can do at home, make a list of what you like to do, and create a to-do list with those items. Once you finish each one, cross it off the list. Do this daily. You’d be surprised how accomplished you would feel at the end of the day!


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