Free hand write/blog

I am switching it up for a day, and I decided to write a blog post freehand. I have been relying on the inspirational messages behind quotes to help assist my writing. I guess you could call it a prompt if you wanted to because that is how they have been working for me. I love expressing myself through written word and could not be grateful for my blessed talent. Writing as of late has been very therapeutic for me. Because I can get the words out on paper, I have been feeling better about myself in an all-around and individualistic sense. Of course, my well-being is of utmost importance to me. So, today I thought I’d write a post about trying to stay positive when everything around you seem to suggest negativity. I will be the first to admit that it is easy to get caught up in a web of negativity. It is so easy because much of what we see on the news media is focused on murders, turmoil, child abuse, child neglect, domestic abuse etc. The list is not exhaustive, and I probably could add on to it for at least another hour. It is incredibly easy to let this kind of thinking sink into your soul. This is especially true for sensitive souls like me who tend to try and figure everyone and everything out. I try my best to quit feeling guilty about every bad situation that happens. I must keep telling myself there is nothing I can do to control other’s malicious actions, no matter how badly I would like to. I do not have a magic wand that cures the world of all evil. These are just some of the examples of the sayings that must remain constantly flowing through my head. I also tend to become very sensitive to victims of any sort of crime. I just have to be certain to think about how lucky I am to have grown up in a nurturing and loving home environment with parents would and still will do anything for me. I try my hardest to monitor by own actions and make certain I treat others in an acceptable and respectable manner. I’m not naïve. I know life Is very hard and sometimes we may want to kick it to the curb. The truth is though it is much more valuable if you stay in the moment and think of it as a bit of an endurance test for you and your character. Often your character is strengthened by obstacles you may face. They may really hurt and sting at the time of occurrence, but once the hardship has passed, you will realize how much your strength aided you. The best thing about your strength is that it will never abandon you. It will always stand true to the test of time and will be there with you to stand tall no matter what the fight. You must remember that no matter how hard the storm, the sun will shine again. Just hang on for the ride. Make sure you buckle up because it’s a wild one!


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