Instant Gratification

Life is so instantaneous these days. If you really think about it, everything is based around electronics. For example, if you have a smartphone, it is almost if you have a computer small enough to fit into your pocket. Want to watch the news before you get home? No problem. You can just whip out your phone, scroll through the applications on your phone, and you can probably find a broadcast of news that has been live streamed. The world is at your fingertips! Want to listen to the radio, but don’t have a radio? Don’t worry, there are plenty of apps you can download on your phone that will provide you with music in your hands. Understand me clearly: This is not going to be a post bashing the use of our technology. I am definitely guilty of using these things because they are instant and can be used in many ways to keep in touch with people and have the privilege of talking to and inspiring others, especially when I am mostly homebound during the week. However, since instant is what we are accustomed to, I think we have to come to expect everything to come to us right then and there. The truth is though success comes at your own rate. You just have to use what you have at your disposal. What I mean by this is that you shouldn’t have to be perfect according to others to be successful. You just have to sort through your entire life and find which traits will work best for what positions. You just need to work extremely hard to perfect your inner being to launch you into a world where you will be happiest. Once you let your best self surface, you will feel the winds of success propelling forward. If at first you don’t get exactly what you want out of life, just keep working. You can only do your best, and what matters in the end is that you truly did try your best. You put your best foot forward & gave everything you had. Dont give up! It will all shape up to work to your advantage soon!


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