Figuring out your best quality

As someone with a social work degree, there are times when it is hard not to make my posts sound too psychological. I guess, though, that it is just a part of who I am. It is a quality that I won't disregard, though. After all, not everyone is blessed with the ability to analyze at such an introspective level. With that being said, a couple of weeks ago, I conducted a poll on Facebook (God love social media) and asked what everyone's best quality was. I did this for several reasons, but the top two were to get a blog topic started & to get people thinking about themselves in a positive manner. Upon observation of the varied responses I received, I saw that loyal was a popular choice. Loyalty is a very important and admirable quality. Being there for someone when they may need you or may need some serious help is always very redeemable. I also saw prevalence in the quality of kindness. Of course, in the twisted world we live in these days, kindness is a great thing to posses. I realize that we all get busy, and sometimes, that causes us to forget about other things. We get so caught up in our own world that it is hard for us to remember that there is a world outside our own. Even in your most difficult hardships, it is important to remember the outside world, and the everyday struggles that are happening to so many right outside of our windows. We may complain when things get difficult, and we have every right to do so, but we must also remember that our struggles are petty compared to some. Not to minimize what we may go through, but just as a reminder to extend a helping hand and to keep others concerns in our minds and hearts. I firmly believe with all of the negativity going on in daily media, we need to step back and search our souls for our best quality. Beneath all of the madness, there is a good quality in each of us. Sure, the search for the absolute best one might be slightly arduous, but just take the time out of the day to find something you like about yourself. It is really amazing what these sentiments can do for your self-esteem, but most of all, just BREATHE.


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