Introduction into my crazy world.

Hello everyone,
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Karla Culbertson. I am a 25 year old woman from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. (The "bayou" state). Yes, there are SOME actual bayous here, but I don't live anywhere near one, much like you see portrayed in films set in Louisiana. ;) I'm like to think that I am pretty average person. However, there is one part of me that separates me from the rest; I have Cerebral Palsy, and I am bound to a wheelchair. Before everyone immediately feels the need to feel sorry for me, let me say that it is actually not that bad. Sure, it is annoying and frustrates me, but I was born this way, and there's nothing that can be done to cure this condition. Don't worry, I handle it to the best of my ability and do my utmost best to stay headstrong. Even though my disability may stand in the way of what would consider everyday life activities, I certainly do not let my disability stand in the way of achieving my dreams. In December of 2007, I graduated from Southeastern Louisiana University ( and earned my bachelors degree in social work. I chose social work as my area of expertise because I am a compassionate person, and I like to make a difference in the lives of others. I also like to advocate for equal rights. I hope to put my social work degree to work someday when I'm able to get out and be active in the community. I applied to Tulane University's ( social work graduate program and was accepted in fall of 2009. Tulane was a bit of a let down to be honest, and I had my fair share of problems with it which will be discussed in a later post. I was only able to attend Tulane for a semester due to loan denial. Since then, I haven't really looked back. I've had a bit of a change of heart and now will be looking into a teaching certificate to teach special education with the 1 to 5 year age group. This opportunity is new and exciting, and I'm really looking forward to it. The changing of career paths has really taught me the meaning of patience, as I am having to wait while things get in order. I am hoping to attend ULL (University of Louisiana Lafayette) ( to obtain this certificate and then make a life for myself there. It is rumored that Lafayette has the best transportation site for the disabled. I'm beyond thrilled about that news because transportation is an issue I've always had to face; it's one aspect of my disability that kind of leaves me "stuck". So, yeah, totally thrilled. I can't wait to go and check out the city!

Anyway, enough about my education background... I am a very compassionate, caring, and loving person. I make it my goal to treat everyone I come across with dignity and respect. Many of my life decisions are lead by music. Music is a huge staple in my life and has been the one element that has kept my head above water. My favorite band is Lifehouse. They are my salvation band and have helped me overcome many trying times and bouts of depression. Many people are amazed when they hear of my connection with their music. In a later blog, I will share more information about my love and connection with music. Hmm.. let's see... I am a dog lover, I love to write stories and blogs, which was my main reason for creating this page. Well, that, and so that people could learn more about me, and this will allow me to make friends from all over the world. I am a HUGE New Orleans Saints fan! They are my favorite professional football team! Their success this past year has lent so much business and heart into the city of New Orleans! :-) I'm a very outgoing person, and I love to have fun. Even though this is true, I don't have very many close friends. I have more of a circle of VERY close friends whom I love with all of my heart. PLEASE don't let this keep you from contacting me! I love and welcome new friends. Also, PLEASE if you have any questions about my Cerebral Palsy, PLEASE do not hesitate to ask. I'm an open book, pretty much. Anyway, I hope everyone has enjoyed my very first blog! I'll be here soon to update. :)


  1. Found your new fb link. trying this one now to see if it works
    Stay strong


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