Living is hard and painful

The world in which we live is so chilling. The violence is so malicious and senseless. It's not supposed to be a thing for parents to have to bury their children before they leave this Earth. It's just incomprehensible to me. It's not even so much a political issue even though some people tend to turn it into something it's not. Republican, Democrat, polka-dotted; it doesn't matter. We need to come together to come up with a law that works and prevents future tragedies like this from happening in the future. It doesn't need to happen later. It needs to happen NOW.
Quit pussyfooting around the issue and understand that we are not trying to take guns from law-abiding citizens. We need to take assault-style weapons out of the hands of the average Joe. Aside from the police and military personnel, there is no need for such a high powered weapon in my opinion. I see arguments all of the time that people kill people guns do not. Well, someone has to pull the trigger on THE GUN in order for it to fire and go forth with the act of killing. I do understand that there are other methods in which someone could harm another person, BUT you cannot deny that the weapons used in the most recent shootings were the high-powered ones that shoot off 125 rounds of ammunition at one time. This means that these weapons are designed to kill people. So, I just can not get behind that argument. Sorry, but I just don't understand how it can be justified considering we have proof that they are the weapons most commonly used when it is right in front of us on our TV screens.
Every time I see that there has been yet another mass shooting, it just opens up that wound in my heart a little more. It's so sad and most of all, absolutely not necessary/ Something needs to happen to resolve this.


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