Finding your Purpose

Today’s blog is a diversion from the disability series and more about life’s purpose. I feel very strongly about my life’s purpose. It is what puts a “pep in my step”. It is one of the only things that makes me rise from my bed in the mornings. It is what keeps and puts a smile on my face. I believe that we all have a unique purpose in life. We are not meant to be stragglers or nomads. We were born with the innate idea that we are here to serve a specific purpose. A purpose that ignites your soul and enhances your human experience. The reason for living, if you will. I believe my purpose is to change the attitude climate of the world. To encourage those who are having a hard time or those who have not been dealt the best hand in life. In college, I thought my purpose was to counsel people up close and personally. I have a degree in social work because I thought that what I was meant to be doing in that time in my life. I would find out soon enough that I was sorely mistaken, but at ...