
Showing posts from September, 2017

It seems impossible

It is so easy to make the remark “just get it done”. It is so much harder to obtain the energy and motivation to do something you have been meaning to do but keep putting it off. The reason you are putting it off likely must have something to do with what you are lacking. Maybe you do not have the confidence. Maybe you fear rejection and thinking you are not good enough. I have officially been a writer for 5 years now. Even though I have been officially published twice and now have been seen on numerous websites, my negative thinking still creeps in and tells me I will never really make it from time to time. While writing my memoir is still a strong dream of mine, I am waiting a couple more years to hone my skills and appreciate and experience more of life. To be honest, I am not sure I have the confidence to embark on the journey of writing a book. These blogs certainly do help and are contributing to me improving my writing skills and to understand what it is like to write ever...

Life UPDATE!!!

Change is always something that challenges us, whether positive or negative. I am proud to announce that I have some positive ones to share with you that could mean a lot more attention in the writing world for me across the world wide web! Of course, many of you are familiar with this blog, especially lately because I have really started to add to it content wise. In addition to this, I have been selected as a contributor for The Mighty and Project Wednesday, both of which are highly empowering blogging sites that have the potential to reach out to others. I am realizing now that my impact is limitless, and that alone makes me extremely excited!! Now just because I am going to be working on multiple platforms does not mean that I am going to abandon this blog. I’m just going to be twice as busy. Not a problem for me at all! Writing is my passion, and I will use every last breath I have to keep chasing after it!!