
Showing posts from December, 2019

I CARE. Blog Challenge #4

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and didn’t recognize the person looking back at you? Don’t worry I have been there, too. It doesn’t necessarily mean that we are ungrateful. It is just that it is sometimes hard to see the good things and the value that others around you may see. Perhaps the devil is letting us in on his most vile secrets. We would love to duct tape his mouth shut, but somehow the words find their way out even if his mouth is sealed shut. The words circle like a drain from his mouth to our ears and then our head. It is a deadly vicious cycle that can be extremely detrimental to our self-esteem and personal development. Even though we know deep down that his maltreatment and disgusting words are never true and can’t possibly be proven, we begin to let them soak in our minds. Our mind can operate like a sponge, and eventually, we begin to soak up all of those words and translate them as the absolute truth. We then begin to sulk and cry because we feel ...

Finding Zeal in Life Blog Challenge #3

Finding zeal in life Your life is short. It may sometimes feel like you live and then all of a sudden, your life is coming to an end. There is no doubt that there are going to be a mix of both good and hard times in your life. It is a fact that no one’s life is perfect, and that struggle is universal. Our coping mechanisms and the way we structure ourselves to deal with hardship may be different, but we all struggle. We all struggle with things that may seem petty or simple to the person on the outside looking in. They may think that we are being overly dramatic or silly when we fuss over the slight things, but that’s the whole idea. Someone else can not jump into our heads and measure the intensity of our sadness or anxiety. How we measure it and how we decide to cope with it is up to us and us only. Some of us may even decide to seek therapy despite having solid support systems. This does not mean that we do not trust our support systems, however. It just means that we need som...

Cold Heart Blog #2 in challenge series

“Cold Heart” My heart feels hardened/feels like an empty hole/A path to nowhere but feelings of old. It feels like it struggles to keep up/with the feelings of useless love You broke my heart into a million little pieces/ It feels like a mirror shattered all around me/ the feelings of glass envelop my throat/It feels like a knife/ sharpened to a point/meant to slice the joint/Maybe if you had taken the time to get to the point/ We would never have had to feel this pain/ A Hallowed heart/A person falling apart

Dreary Midnight--Short Story blog #1

This week, I am participating in a 4-day writing challenge. I will be posting some sort of creative work through Thursday. These are very sudden and off the whim kind of pieces, which makes it challenging and fun! I hope you enjoy them!! “Dreary Midnight” Every morning, at the peak of midnight, I wake to see the hollowness of my face and my distraught hair. I never knew that living some time without you would be this hard. Of course, I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but it seems I underestimated our worth together. I underestimated the joy we had in each of our hearts, not just for ourselves but for others. I underestimated the beauty of our hearts beating in time with one another when we looked into each other’s eyes. I never knew the true joy and love behind our lovemaking sessions. I know this is not your fault. You didn’t mean to get sick and upset our rhythm and our routine. Every morning at midnight, though, I feel my heart sink a little more. Like its floating in its own fil...

A December Blog

As I romp joyfu lly  through the winter wonderland, I can’t help myself and I am enamored with the beauty that is surrounding me everywhere I look. The white on the tree glistens with dollops of snow. The birds seem happy as the snow even covers them as well. This very scene makes me wonder why I do not take the time to really take in the breathless beauty that surrounds me on a more regular basis.   Maybe it is because we as a society become so wrapped up in what we must accomplish on a day to day basis with work and life that we tend to leave the smaller things on the back burner. From the beginning of life, we are taught to work hard and relentlessly for what we want. Many times, we don’t even see the scope of the achievement until it is completed, and we receive the gold star of accomplishment.    Maybe it is because we are addicted to work and don’t see merit in any other form. Whatever the case may be, I think it is very important to appreciate all of...