I am from Baton Rouge....
I am from Baton Rouge. It is the place where I spent the majority of my childhood, and I now reside here as an adult. I never once thought that the simple words "I am from Baton Rouge" would weigh as heavily and carry as much weight as it does. It certainly does now, though. The face of uncertain tragedy and violence completely changes the way you think about where you live and the people surrounding you and living in the same community. I won't say much about the Alton Sterling case except this one thing: If he would have cooperated with law enforcement, he would still be alive today. He might be in jail, yes, but he would still be living if he hadn't resisted arrest. That's not to say I agree with the excessive force used on him, and I certainly do not condone that sort of action. Nor do I agree that he should be dead. However, he was also in violation of the law because as a convicted felon, he should have NOT had a gun in his possession!! That's that. Jul...