Society and all of its feelings
I am an avid internet user. I use it to connect with all types of different people from all walks of life. I would be lost without it, and I simply cannot fathom living in this age internetless. It is, in truth, my social lifeline. While I am eternally grateful for it, at the same time, I also find myself disgusted by some of the things I see. For one, I cannot believe some of the comments I see made about our own president. I can tolerate not agreeing with some of his policies, but must we really wish death on someone we don't even know and the people who voted for him? I voted for him, but that does not mean that I agree with everything he proposes. Does that mean we should wish ill or even death on him? I don't think so, and I find this aspect of society rather displeasing. Also.... a topic near and dear to my heart. Gay marriage and acceptance. This is a huge turn of events in today's world. We have come a long way with gay acceptance; however, having said this, we s...